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Newly Single

Divorce or the death of a spouse can be emotionally draining and can cause financial upheaval, particularly for women who are more adversely affected financially. Half of divorced women report that the split created a financial crisis and half of all women will become widowed by age 65. The sheer number of decisions that must be made can seem daunting, especially when navigating the end of a marriage or death of a loved one, but there are steps you can take to advocate for yourself and secure your financial future.
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How It Works
Wealthminder makes it easy to find a qualified financial advisor, whatever your needs may be
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Professional advisors review your information and propose how they can help
Review the proposals and select the advisor who is the best match for you
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Ask a question and tell us a little about yourself
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Professional advisor reviews information
Professional advisors review your information and propose how they can help
How it works next step
Review proposals and select advisor
Review the proposals and select the advisor who is the best match for you